Please contact the Adjutant for information about the 78th Fraser Highlanders.

We are always seeking enthusiastic, good natured mature persons as new members.

We offer:

- An historic connection to Canada's roots.
- Scottish regimental tradition and heritage
- Traditional ambience and camaraderie in the Officer's xMess
- The opportunity to entertain and educate
- Opportunites to support youth education and xdevelopment
- The Opportunity to be actively involved in the operation and xadministration of the organisation.
- A fun social mileu with Scottish overtones.
May we provide more information, or
be a part of your special celebration or event?
If you would like more information, or would our Display Unit to be part of your next event, we invite you to contact the Adjutant
The 78th Fraser Highlanders Directors and Command Group
The Gentlemen Directors of the 78th Fraser Highlanders.
Left to Right: Ken Whitney, Chris Hoskin, Christopher Stanbury, Mike Redmond, Neil MacKay, Murray Wood.
The Command Group
Maj. Mike Redmond President/Officer Commanding
Capt. Chris Hoskin Vice President/2IC
Capt Ken Whitney Treasurer/Accounts Officer
Capt. Christopher Stanbury Secretary/Adjutant [ Email for enquires ] (stanbury at telus dot net)
Capt. Neil MacKay Pres. Mess Committee (PMC)
Capt. Murray Wood Quartermaster
Capt. Rob Rathbun   Guard Commander
Hon. Lt Col. Dave Fleming History/Protocol
Ed McIlwaine Lt.   OC's Piper, Piping Instructor
(c) 2012 78th Fraser Highlanders Fort Fraser Garrison, 1st Signal Corps.