The Regimental Colours comprise a white ensign with
King's Colour in the canton and
Regimental Insignia upon the white field.

The King's Colour is the Union Flag used from 1603 to 1801.
It comprises the Cross of St. Andrew (Scotland)
and the Cross of St. George (England).

It is emblazoned with the Regimental insignia.
Originally the Seymour Battery cannon was mounted on a naval carriage, which limited its use, as it could not be pulled on parade nor rolled over any rough or irregular ground. The gun was nearly as impressive visually as the report when fired. The design was based on information supplied by Brig.Gen. W.T. (Bill) Wickett, CD
    The dreaded Highland Broadsword! Symbolic of the 78th Highland Regiment was its Highland broadsword.

From the mid 16th century, basket hilt swords were in common use in Scotland. All basket hilt swords after 1746 were of military pattern. These were essential weapons for the Highlanders and the favourite fighting method was with a broadsword in one hand and a targe (shield) on the other arm.
The musket we use is the "Brown Bess" Musket which has the record of being used the longest in the British military, more than 150 years.

Our muskets are used in the same way as the original, the first volley is executed on command of the Officer. The soldier
then fires and quickly reloads in an elegant 27 movement sequence, filling and closing the pan, loading the barrel with powder, and ramming the charge home with the ram rod he carries. The musket is returned to the firing position, cocked,
aimed and fired.

The loud bangs and billowing smoke give a dramatic glimpse of what battle scenes looked like 200 years ago.

To learn more about the Musket, read the September 2012
edition of the Fort's Despatches Newsletter.
(c) 2014 78th Fraser Highlanders Fort Fraser Garrison, 1st Signal Corps.