Feast of St. Andrew - December 2013 (with Guest Speaker Dr. Holly Nelson)
Plains of Abraham Dinner - September 2013
Salute to the War of 1812 - and defence of the fort - Fort Langley
BC Highland Games - Percy Perry Stadium Coquitlam
with special visit from His Worship Richard Stewart Mayor of Coquitlam
Seige of Louisbourg Mess Commemorative Dinner
Deployment: 39 Svc Bn, 39 Canadian Brigade Group, Col Sherman Armoury, Richmond BC
Victoria Highland Games
Pictures by Laura-Michelle Beaton ( daughter of Alistair Beaton ) and Norman Pope ( Fort Victoria Garrison )
Battle of Ste. Foy Rememberance Dinner
Trumpter Salute - 40th Anniversary 2013 - Jim Mair
Celtic Fest - Surrey Museum (Surrey) 16 March 2013
Annual Meeting - 2 March 2013    
Burns Supper - 26 Janaury 2013    
(c) 2013 78th Fraser Highlanders Fort Fraser Garrison, 1st Signal Corps.