Members and guests gather in the Officer's Mess at Vancouver's Bessborough Armoury, home of the 15 Field Regiment RCA (or Royal Canadian Artillery), at least four times each year. Mess Dinners may commemorate important actions of the Regiment, or traditional Scottish celebrations such as the Feast of St. Andrew and the Burns Supper.

Regimental tradition and protocol are central to the ambience and demeanour of the garrison. Some delight in the research and discovery of tales and exploits of the 78th during the Seven Year's War (as artifacts and documents at The David M. Stewart Museum at RHQ Montreal will attest), others enjoy the Highland elements and pleasure of a social evening in the Mess.

Consider Membership with the 78th Fraser Highlanders! - Download our Membership Application!

Please download a Membership Application (PDF left, Word right)
Print. complete, sign and then mail to our postal address:

The 78th Fraser Highlanders
#1703 – 121 Tenth Street,
New Westminster,BC V3M 3X7
Questions about membership?
Email the Adjutant:
  APR 2021   JUL 2020
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DEC 2018
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SEP 2018
FEB 2018
JAN 2018
The charitable work of the 78th Fraser Highlanders Association (FHA) draws upon the popularity and attraction of our Highland heritage and conducts fundraising dinners and events in support of the disadvantaged in our community as well as supporting the welfare and education of youth, and the furtherance and recognition of post-secondary education in British Columbia

Funds raised by our garrison support presentations made by our Historical Display Unit promoting Canadian History and Scottish Heritage, including participating in the Victoria and Coquitlam Highland Games.

Our current charities supported by the 78th Frasers Fort Fraser Garrison are:

- Vancouver Kid Safe
- Vancouver Heritage Fairs
- The Union Gospel Mission in relief of the homeless and destitute
- Angel Tree Charity in assistance to the Children of prisoners
- Simon Fraser University Scottish Studies
- Support to local Military Museums including 15 Field RCA Museum

(c) 2023 78th Fraser Highlanders Fort Fraser Garrison, 1st Signal Corps.